Jackson's blog

Just another Wonecks.net Blogs site


Martes el trece #1

1.¿Adónde fue él cuando se rompió el brazo?

He went to the hospital when he broke his arm.

El (he) fue al hospital cuando el (he) rompio el brazo.

2.¿Por qué llegó tarde él a la escuela?

He arrived late because he missed (perder) the bus.

El (he) llego tarde porque el (he) perdio el autobus.

3.¿Por qué pensó él que el miércoles sea(would be) mejor día?

Because his friend gave him good news about his wallet.

Porque su amigo dio su buen noticias sobre su billetera.

4.¿Por qué recibió una detención en la clase de ciencias?

He received a detention because he talked too much(demasiado) in science class.

El (he) recibio un detencion porque el (he) hablo demasiado en la clase de science.

5.¿Qué comió él para el almuerzo?

He didn’t eat nothing for lunch.

El no hacio no comer nada para almuerzo.


Figurative Language in a song



Middle Ages project World History



Morning Routine

My morning routine in Spanish


Theme Projects: World Language


Setting projects: World Language




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2. Right-click an select “Open Link”




“Life of Jackson” The Movie, A project for Mrs. Pearce



Sophomore year- week one

School started this week and as much as I was dreading going back to school from my Summer Break I actually enjoyed seeing my friends and getting back into a schedule. As I arrived at school, I come to my Algebra 2 class to find that I am the only sophomore, yikes. On my second day I got a schedule change and took the hardest english test of my life. But, as the week goes by I begin to feel how school works again and I begin to feel some relief. Luckily, friday came quick and I was rewarded with the first varsity football game of the year. First week accomplished.


About me

My name is Jackson and here is a little about me.

I am a high school student at White Oak High school and I enjoy football during the Fall season and Pole vault during the Spring. Throughout the year I compete on a UIL Social Studies team where we travel across East Texas to UIL meets and compete against local schools in hopes to go to the State UIL meet. I also like to challenge myself with AP courses such as AP English 2 and AP Algebra 2. When I have free time I enjoy participating in my church youth group and being an avid college football fan.


Spanish house project

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